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judge jeanine: our kids deserve our protection

by:Kenwei      2019-09-09
This is a rush copy of hanniti in February 15, 2018.
This copy may not be in final form and may be updated.
Sean hanniti: Welcome to hanniti.
This is Fox News alert.
We have a lot of breaking news about the Florida high school gunman who admitted to killing 17 people.
At this time, new questions about how all the warning signals around the Gunners Nicola Cruz have been missed have also emerged.
What\'s wrong, why are so many red flags not noticed?
We will have a full discussion tonight.
Also tonight, in the face of unspeakable evil, violence, tragedy, people stand up and protect others.
We will show you the life-saving hero at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida.
While politicians and the media are pointing fingers, playing games and giving you the same predictable talking points, tonight we will provide solutions.
How do we protect students in schools all over the country? Answers.
This is the opening monologue of the news tonight.
Hanniti: We started with tonight\'s breaking news and details of the investigation into this horrific Florida high school shooting. The 19-year-
He acknowledged the killing of 17 innocent people and wounded at least 12 others.
Cruz also revealed details of the evil attack to investigators.
He shot the students in the hallway.
He shot at five different classrooms, and Cruz admitted to the authorities that he had extra ammunition in his backpack.
We also learned that in the worst mass shooting in American history, new details of missing warning signals are disturbing.
All the red flags were there, but it was unfortunate that Nicolas Cruz was able to commit this outrageous crime.
In fact, the FBI confirmed tonight that on September, a YouTube user named Nicolas Cruz spelled the name in the same way as the gunman and was reported to the Bureau for writing, citing: I will be a professional school shooter.
The person who reported the comment said that the FBI visited him the next day, but the FBI said today that it was impossible to determine the time, place, and the true identity of the person who posted the comment.
As she pointed out earlier today, our own Catherine Herridge, the FBI only has to track IP addresses, which is the regular practice of determining individual locations.
For some reason, this did not happen in this case.
The mayor of Broward County said Nicolas Cruz was treated at a mental health clinic but stopped seeking treatment a year ago.
Authorities say his social media posts are disturbing.
Look at some of these photos.
You can see the suspect.
Did anyone see him pose with a gun, a knife, or even a dead animal?
Former classmate of Cruz said he was a lonely man who was obsessed with guns.
He likes to show off photos of all his weapons.
The Miami Herald reported that Cruz was suspended for fighting and having ammunition in his backpack, and that Cruz was subsequently dismissed for disciplinary reasons and was enrolled in Broward County for dangerous students.
Cruz also had problems at home.
His parents adopted him and his brother died.
His mother died in November.
The suspect lives with a friend\'s family and there are also reports that Nicolas Cruz is in contact with Florida.
Headquartered in the white supremacist group.
But law enforcement said earlier today that they had not seen the links.
We will keep monitoring.
The trouble tonight is how the students describe their former classmates.
Now, that\'s what they say to the Gunners, Nicola Cruz. Let\'s watch. (
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Unidentified woman: he must have something about him.
He is more or less aggressive, quiet and shy when he becomes aggressive.
Unidentified male: He is very different in character.
Unidentified male: He is a little uncomfortable.
He wants to curse at will at lunch.
You know, he just wanted to say random curse words out loud.
He always seems a little unhappy, you know.
He just had a problem.
Unidentified male: He did a lot of crazy things. Just not --
He was removed from school most of the time.
To be honest, people say it will be him.
Joking like this, he\'s going to be the one who shot the school, but it turns out, you know, everyone predicted that. That\'s crazy. (END VIDEO CLIP)
Hanniti: like other mass shooting games, there are signs that there are warnings of psychological, social, emotional issues.
But to prevent this tragedy, all the pieces were not pieced together.
Like many other shootings and terrorist attacks, Nicolas Cruz has diverted his attention on social media.
Apart from the obvious fact that anyone who committed these terrible evils and acts of violence is completely insane, one thing the gunmen and Florida parklands have in common to southern Texas is, in Sandy Hook, South Carolina, the church at Virginia Tech has mental health problems and mental illness.
In a speech to the nation earlier today, the president expressed his deepest condolences and highlighted the issue of mental health.
Let\'s have a look. (
Start Video Editing)
US President Donald Trump: We comfort those who are sad and injured.
We hurt the entire community in parklands, Florida, who are now in shock and pain and are looking for answers.
For law enforcement officers, first responders and teachers who are so brave to respond in the face of danger, we thank you for your courage.
We are committed to working with state and local leaders to help ensure the safety of our schools and address the thorny issue of mental health.
Later this month, I will meet with the National Governor and the Minister of Justice to make our schools and children safer will be our top priority.
It is not enough to take actions that make us feel like we are changing.
We must make changes. (END VIDEO CLIP)
Hanniti: What the president said is that it is not enough to feel better.
It must make a difference.
The president also plans to visit parklands, Florida, and provide comfort and support to the community.
Details have not yet been finalized.
It is also foreseeable that within a few hours, the Democrats, the free media, have, as always, politicised the tragedy and tried to accuse President Trump and Republicans, whether they believe it or not.
Let\'s have a look. (
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Mika brzezinski from MSNBC: strengthen.
Be a man, talk about it, stop thinking about NRA and your next campaign donation. Just stop.
Everyone knows what you\'re doing. And it\'s time.
That\'s what we did this morning.
Stephanie Ruhr is reporting now.
Stephanie Ruhr from MSNBC: Thank you so much, Mika. Thanks, Joe.
For Marco Rubio, you don\'t need to stand up and be a man.
Stand up and be a human being. SEN.
Richard blumenthal, D-CONN.
: If you are quiet, it is not enough to talk about mental health.
Real action must follow.
The president must take the lead or let go. SEN. BILL NELSON, D-FLA.
It is enough that people have to say enough.
We will not continue all these killings.
We must have the people\'s representative in the Hall of government respond to this. (END VIDEOTAPE)
Hanniti: this happened to the Democratic Party\'s ruling Republican government.
But what you see is shameful.
But it\'s not surprising because it\'s predictable.
Every time there is a shooting incident.
Hollywood celebrities, all of whom quickly posted their hate messages on Twitter, are, of course, targeted at presidents and Republicans.
Let\'s start with Chelsea\'s tweet quote: we must elect candidates who are not funded by the NRA in November.
We have the opportunity to select candidates who do not allow children to go to school and get shot.
How many times has this happened and it\'s disgusting that Republicans do nothing.
You have blood on your hands.
Another school shooting incident.
This is in Florida.
Congrats to the cowardly ones who have no bones, who have not done anything to help us end this terrible epidemic in Congress.
Director Adam McKay posted
Normal Person, oh my God, the children were killed at school, church, concert.
Let\'s do something.
Republican lawmakers, children killed in schools, churches and concerts.
Let\'s not do one thing, GOP and NRA.
Author Stephen King wrote: There will be prayers from blabbermouth Don, Pence the Grinch and their right wing associates in the Broward school shootings.
There will be no sensible gun regulations.
Sadly, every time this happens, it\'s the solution on the left.
They are anxious to make a judgment.
They want to blame and use all kinds of horrible vicious remarks.
It never finished anything.
These tragedies should not happen here.
You ask people to come up with the same old talk and political arguments.
You know, liberals, they\'re starting to accuse the Gunners of using weapons.
In this case, AR-15.
But if they want to ban AR
These madmen, they will use something else.
We saw this at Virginia Tech, where a gunman used a pistol to kill 32 people.
Look, let\'s talk about the solution tonight.
In my life, I have been working on radio for 30 years.
It\'s 23 years since I was on Fox News.
I know all the talking points.
I know it\'s all just noise and can\'t solve the problem.
This is a simple fact.
You will not change people\'s minds through political debates, especially those related to the Second Amendment.
I am a strong supporter of the Second Amendment.
My thoughts will not change.
I have been thinking about this over the years.
I doubt I can change the thinking of these Hollywood liberals and anti-liberals
Second Amendment
The problem facing the country now is school safety.
After something like that happens, we can keep repeating the same talking points and talking to each other again and again.
Or maybe it\'s trying to find a solution to this problem.
Children in this country should be protected.
They should have a safe school.
As the president said, in schools in the United States, there are no children and no teachers should be in danger.
We all agree with that.
When they kiss their son or daughter goodbye in the morning, no parents should worry about them.
I want to come up with a solution that I don\'t think is political, and frankly I believe anyone who is reasonable can agree.
This is about the safety and security of students and children in our school.
Every school in the country immediately conducted a comprehensive threat assessment of law enforcement officers.
Each school has its own unique situation.
For those of you who will say oh where will we get the money?
Well, I would argue that there is a good chance that the local police will help the school develop the best action plan to protect these children and their safety.
You have to make sure the perimeter of each school is safe.
All entry points must be safe.
You have to make sure there is a system in place to control the people who are in and out of the building.
In addition to that, you need a strong physical security presence.
You can start by hiring trained, armed, former or retired police, trained, armed, and previously retired armed veterans.
In other words, let\'s give our children the same security as most politicians.
Let\'s give them the same protection, just like the actors and actresses at the Oscars and everywhere else they go.
We have a lot of retired officers, a lot of trained professionals, and a lot of trained soldiers.
They can hide weapons.
However, their existence is also accompanied by a strategy. The strategic plan to be implemented correctly will bring profound changes.
I know there may be critics who say, but, Sean, parklands, Florida high school, they have an armed security guard.
Okay, this is the case.
There are 3,000 students in this school.
It is one of the largest campuses in Florida.
At such a large facility, you need more than one person to properly assess and block any potential threats.
We need enough people to protect every building, every entrance point and the entire perimeter.
Some of you will argue, well, it\'s going to cost money. You\'re right.
My answer is, yes.
But isn\'t it worth every penny so we don\'t have to turn on the TV like we did yesterday and see this happen again like what happened in parkland?
There is a little more about the plan.
We already know it works.
I broadcast in New York City. And post-
9/11. You cannot enter a single office building without a work ID.
I entered a Radio building.
I got a TV building when I went in.
If you are a tourist in these buildings, you will have to show a valid identity document or you will not be able to enter.
Let you get a guarantee from someone who has already worked in the building or in the building.
Each student can have his or her own valid ID card before entering the school, and can also have metal detectors where needed, which have been proven to be valid in some schools in the country.
The bottom line is that we are at a crossroads.
It is time to step up and do our job well to create school safety for these children.
Give them the same security, and our politicians, actors and celebrities will get the same security.
Without coming up with the same old talking points, trying to get cheap political views, and not trying to go beyond each other with the same arguments, the same attacks, no one will change their minds, maybe we can solve this problem.
This should be the solution.
I\'m not saying the plan is perfect.
Nothing can stop 100% of these things from happening.
Unfortunately, there is evil in the hearts of others in this world.
But in this case, why don\'t we try to do everything we can to prevent these tragedies from happening and reduce their mortality in the event of a fact.
Give everyone a simple test and a question tonight, and I think they can ask themselves.
If God forbid you to find yourself in any type of administrative building and that building has an active shooter, would you prefer to know that there are trained, armed, military and police officers who have retired on site to give you a chance to fight?
Would you like to know that the building has completed a complete threat assessment and security assessment?
I think it might be you.
Our last point.
Democrats say gun control reduces violence.
If so, I would like them to explain why the cities with the highest murder rates have the strictest gun control and are run by Democrats.
Look at these statistics on the number of murders in 2016.
All of these cities have Democratic mayors who have been run by the Liberal Party for years.
However, their crackdown on the Second Amendment did not prevent violence.
Liberals also don\'t want you to know these shocking statistics.
During Obama\'s presidency, he adopted more than 3,900 murders in Chicago.
During his last six years as president, more than 18,000 people were shot dead in Chicago.
Do you remember the people on the left hearing this anger and blame? of-
Control violence?
It\'s a city in America.
Liberals also like to say that giving people the right to carry weapons does not stop crime.
This is not the case with data display.
Let\'s take a look at some of the charts that author John Lott Jr gave us
From the Crime Prevention Research Center.
The chart shows violent crime around the right. to-
The United States enacted laws. S.
As you can see, having more armed citizens will reduce violent crime.
This is another chart about the murder rate around right-back-to-
The law was enforced. Also in the U. S.
As a result, the number of murders has increased dramatically.
Little John Lott.
When more people carry guns, you will see a further decline in these two statistics. All right.
There are a lot of things to absorb.
The answer is that we must protect our children.
We don\'t need to pay any more attention to what we saw yesterday.
Let\'s start to solve this problem.
Here, the moderator of Judge jeanine pirro responded.
You walk into any court in the United States, judge, and I have to go through a metal detector, any one I \'ve been.
I also have to show my ID in any court I have been.
Every time I go to Congress, every RNC convention, every DNC convention, every game I go to, and every office building in New York.
Can\'t we do something better to replace the same old argument?
Moderator: Well, you know, Sean, you\'re right, every time something like this happens, what you say is definitely true to me, and we\'ll discuss the old arguments.
The Second Amendment says, you know, the right of an individual to own or carry a weapon is not violated.
Then on the left, they said guns kill people.
I think the Gunners will kill.
But let me start by saying, Sean, first, as D. A.
I often have to tell my parents that their children are victims of a homicide.
Therefore, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to all these parents and to all those who know the victims here.
But we need to be very clear.
This is not a political issue.
This is not a problem with the left and right and the NRA.
Actually, I\'m tired of listening to NRA.
For the benefit of full disclosure.
I said I had a lot of guns.
I have a long gun.
I have a pistol.
But it\'s really about individuals, in which case a person not only threatens himself, but also posts himself on YouTube as someone who wants to be a career school shooter, but the man was fired from school.
He has various personal problems.
However, he was able to buy a gun.
Why can he buy a gun?
Because of the background check, to be honest, it\'s a joke, because if you\'re taking circulating Tropical Medicine, HIPAA law protects us, as a judge, if you\'re in a mental hospital, I have been signing a pistol permit.
It prevents us from discovering what your spiritual history is by HIPAA law.
So, all the quirks of Adam Lanza and the school shooters of corumbyan Aurora can get them without any problems, even though some get them from their parents.
But that\'s not the point.
You\'re right.
We need to protect our children, which means we have to have metal detectors.
We must have experienced police.
I don\'t care if they are retired or skilled police who work in school.
We have to have peripheral control.
We must have police. -
Teacher who is able to carry weapons and respond to this nonsense, Sean, because our children deserve our protection.
You know, look, I\'m not saying--
I know that schools now, if you are a parent, you have only one door and they have security in those schools.
There is only one door.
I went to school even if they knew you.
I need your ID.
The first thing they will sayPIRRO: Yes.
No exception, you know.
Sean, you can do it in a building in New York.
Judge Jenny, they\'re going to say hi, do you have an ID?
We\'re in New York. You know who I am.
I agree with you, Sean.
What we get here is a warning that we don\'t have in other cases.
With all due respect, if they\'re worth it, and based on everything we hear, I don\'t want to hear another FBI agent go to the microphone and say we don\'t have any further identifying information.
Wait, you\'re from the FBI.
Someone did the right thing and he called you.
He said the child said on YouTube that he wanted to be a professional school shooter.
How many people in this country are called Nicolas Cruz?
How many people in this country have the name K Nikolai.
How many people bought guns?
If we learn anything from 9/11, it is that there is no connection between federal agencies.
All the child\'s warnings are there.
All they need to do is connect these points, but they don\'t.
Hanniti: I don\'t think you can say anything better, judge. All right.
Thank you for your insight.
We will look at you this weekend and you will be with me tomorrow night and people will look at you. Thanks, Judge.
When we came back, President Trump, we had a lot of breaking news and vowed to take tough action on mental health after the Florida shooting.
Ed Henry has more details and angles to introduce the hero directly to you from yesterday. (
Business break)(
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Woman: I talked to my teacher and said I was afraid.
And then everyone will hear the shots.
He opened the door and let us in.
I thought he was behind me.
This is Sir. Beigel?
But he\'s not.
Man: What happened?
Unidentified woman: he will reopen when he opens the door.
Lock it so we can be safe.
But he had no chance to do so. (END VIDEO CLIP)
Hanniti: a student described how her geographer teacher was killed in the shooting yesterday to protect her and her classmates.
This is not the only incredible heroic act we have heard tonight.
Follow-up Gallagher for Fox News is joining us now.
There are a lot of heroes here, Trace.
Fox News reporter trace gallagher: Yes, most schools, including this one, have active shooting training that provides guidance on how students and teachers react.
In a real attack, instinct has the upper hand, experts say.
In this case, 37-year-
The old assistant football coach and security guard Aaron Feiz threw himself in front of the students to protect them from bullets.
The coach was shot and later died in surgery.
The person who knew him said that when he died, he put himself in second place like him. Watch. (
Start Video Editing)
I mean, he\'s a big man.
He went out of his way to make sure everyone was safe.
I heard he protected them in front of several people.
He actually took the bullet for them.
Unidentified male: I don\'t know when Aaron\'s funeral is, I don\'t know how many adults will go, but you will get 2,000 kids there and the kids in this community love him.
They worship him.
He is one of the greatest people I know. (END VIDEO CLIP)
Gallagher: Witnesses say the geography teacher you mentioned, Sean, Scott Berger, knows that the children on the highway are in danger, so he opens the door of the classroom to let them in.
But when he tries to re-
Lock the door, the gunman walked by at that moment, he was shot.
The students in the classroom said that he blocked the path of the murderer and may have saved many lives.
Several other teachers also blocked their doors and hid their students.
There is also the story of an unnamed doorman, who witnesses say helped save the lives of students who unknowingly ran to the Gunners.
They said the doorman told them to run another road and brought them into the classroom for safety. Listen. (
Start Video Editing)
He stopped us and brought us into her classroom.
I want to say that 30 to 40 students walk into this teacher\'s classroom at the same time, and they may have saved the lives of all of us, about 40, due to their heroic behavior. (END VIDEO CLIP)
Gallagher: Yes, it\'s amazing ---
Surprisingly, in a few seconds, many students witnessed the epitome of evil and the height of heroism.
There are many stories we haven\'t heard yet. -Sean.
Amazing heroism.
Thanks for the report, Trace.
We appreciate it.
Earlier this morning, the president delivered a strong speech to the nation, saying he plans to travel to Parkland, Florida, in the coming days.
Chief national correspondent for Fox News, our own Ed Henry--Ed.
Ed Henry, chief national correspondent for Fox News: Sean, nice to meet you.
You want to talk about heroes, I can tell you that I was standing in front of this medical center this time last night and people are worried that the number of deaths of 17 people will rise.
There is still a critical situation.
To save lives, people here work 24 hours a day, doctors, nurses, first aid workers.
I can tell you tonight that there is a glimmer of hope.
Only one patient is in critical condition.
They still gather around the patient.
The president, of course, wants to thank everyone today, who took action in his speech at the White House, but also tried to heal the country. Listen. (
Start Video Editing)
Trump: We are committed to working with state and local leaders to help ensure the safety of our schools and address the thorny issue of mental health.
Later this month, I will meet with the National Governor and the Minister of Justice to make our schools and children safer will be our top priority.
It is not enough to take actions that make us feel like we are changing. (END VIDEO CLIP)
Henry: Now, remember, after that terrible shooting in Las Vegas, the president and first lady Melania Trump not only talked to the families of the victims, but also went in, met with doctors, nurses and first responders at the medical center to thank them.
The doctor here today told me that if no EMT technician jumped quickly to stop bleeding, more people would have died.
So the president will be in South Florida on March --a-
This time tomorrow night, Sean.
There is nothing on the official schedule.
But an official told me that as early as Saturday morning, the president was probably in this medical center, high school, Sean, somewhere in the area, he wanted to express his gratitude more directly to everyone in the area for everything he did.
Sean hanniti, Fox News host: OK, Ed Henry, thank you very much for this report.
We appreciate it for joining us.
We have former Los Angeles police Detective Fox News writer Mark Foreman, former FBI agent Manny Gomez.
Mark, I know you all these years.
We don\'t object very often, you \'ve seen some of the flaws I think ---
You will never convince a man with an anti-gun to support it.
The second amendment, again, I carry almost all my weapons as an adult.
I have a carry permit in New York, California, Alabama, Georgia and Rhode Island.
I have a carry permit. It\'s part of --
I have been trained to use guns since I was 11.
So you won\'t win in this debate.
But it seems to me that it is 1,000 viable to make sure that the school has professionals.
We should do it for the children.
Detective Mark Foreman, Fox News writer: we do. We do.
The only thing. -
I don\'t agree with you.
I just think there is a better way.
When you have retirees, the best part of their career is right behind them, and you need a generation gap that is not two or three generations, perhaps the best part of a generation gap.
These officials at the school need to be able to interact with these students and get information that people like Cruz will appear and they will actually disclose that information to officials.
You need a system for you to make an agreement for all these schools so that everyone can work on the same piece of music paper.
You need to reinforce the internal target so the suspect can\'t get in, you create a tactical environment for the external shooter, this allows the responding personnel and security personnel to take the suspect away without danger to the student.
I think it\'s all possible without gun control.
This is all about it.
In strategy and tactics.
Look, I think, Manny, are you a retired Army, a retired police officer, or active.
I think you can even work with local law enforcement to get this done, again, it will be hidden carry-on.
I think a lot of students will become friends with these people over time, Mark is right.
We can get a lot of information from them.
But strategically, tactically, you surround the perimeter.
You have a complete threat assessment, security assessment. All --
We know the entry point at any time.
Everyone knows all this.
None of the people who don\'t know will enter that school, the term, the end of the sentence.
It seems feasible if we choose to do so.
Former FBI agent Manny Gomez: I totally agree.
With the experience of the former military, former law enforcement, we just had a wonderful article that the high school coach saved lives.
Know the coaches of these students.
He\'s a father. figure perhaps.
This is undoubtedly an adult for these young men and women.
That\'s what we need.
We need these young people to respect and we will respect them if they have problems.
Whether it\'s an active shooting situation or more daysto-day basis.
A condition of drugs, a condition of crime, a condition of bullying, they will go to these former law enforcement, former military role models, and be able to discuss with them what they can do to help the situation.
So it will be a victory. win-
Win every day.
Hanniti: here you are.
Gomez: absolutely right.
Hanniti: if they are there every day.
Look, I\'m a kid smoking in the bathroom.
I met the doorman because they wouldn\'t sell me out when I was young and stupid.
But, seriously, they will know about these children.
Those kids will be open to them and all the things the kids say after the shoot.
This guy already heard it.
In this case, they have training and knowledge and how to intervene. GOMEZ: Agreed.
I agree, Sean.
When you have someone inside a system like a school, not only do you have to feel safe, you have to have Survey skills, in order to investigate some of the problems you see or report to you very effectively, sometimes even under radar.
Keep in mind that from the president\'s protection to anything the FBI does, anyone in Israel will tell you that security is a layered event.
Not just one.
You have layers of security.
So you are always thinking about a failure, a failure, or something that is eliminated.
No matter what school, you need a layer of security.
Hanniti: Okay. Thank you both.
If every American asks to do so in their area, we will have safer schools.
Safety 1,000. All right.
When we came back, we had a heated debate.
Dan Bongino, Geraldo Rivera, was in Florida when we went on and stayed with us. (
Business break)
Hanniti: Okay.
After yesterday\'s deadly shooting in Florida
Democrats and members of the media have so quickly politicised the tragedy. Take a look. (
Start Video Editing)REP. JIM HIMES, D-CONN.
: Patterns are predictable.
There will be a moment of silence.
People will want everyone to pray and sympathize with the victims, and then the Congress will never do anything.
Brian Williams from MSNBC: If you match it to the polls of their constituents, you\'re in that city in Washington.
Lawmakers in that city live up to the American people every day.
Cnn tom verni: I really don\'t know how much the body needs in front of people in Washington, D. C. C.
Furious at the people of the country and their children. SEN.
Richard blumenthal, D-CONN.
: This is 18 school shootings this year, and it is also a day. by-
We have an obligation to prevent deaths that can be prevented. -
Congress has been an accomplice.
Congress is responsible(END VIDEO CLIP)
Hanniti: Okay.
The Fox News reporter at Geraldo Rivera joined us immediately.
Former Secret Service agent Dan Bongino
We got a lot of reaction last night.
This must end.
I share your passion and I know how sincere you are and then you go into AR-15 argument.
I don\'t want this debate to turn into a gun debate, because I think we \'d better go beyond it as soon as possible.
I will never convince you that I have AR-15\'s.
You can never convince me, so if we put AR-
Virginia Tech is one of the most serious shootings in history. It was a gun.
Remove AR-
Throw away the pistol.
How about ensuring school safety?
How about retired soldiers, trained, armed, police soldiers, like we do with actresses, actors and politicians, to ensure the safety of the neighborhood?
Geraldo rivera, fox roaming correspondent: Brother, you know, I\'m in full favor of your campaign to strengthen our school.
I don\'t think detective Foreman has set out layers of defense in a very clear way, etc. I can\'t go beyond that.
I\'m 100% behind you, Sean, but I think people have to embrace the cruel reality.
In Florida and many other states, a mentally ill, restless, deportedyear-
Talking about the old man who became the next campus gunman can legally buy AR-
Military attack weapons.
This is a child who can\'t buy beer in this state.
Sean, I think it\'s outrageous, illogical, one thing we have to remember. 15 was banned.
From 1994 to 2004, the sale of such weapons was prohibited in this country.
Hanniti: no help.
Under Brady\'s ban.
Hanniti: no help.
We have not had it for ten years.
Hanniti: no help.
Let\'s do something.
We cannot make it so accessible to all evil children who are fermenting within him.
Not only did he get the machine-
Okay, Dan?
Dan bongino, former agent service: Geraldo, listen, I appreciate your emotional involvement in this matter.
This is a tragedy.
But let\'s talk about reality.
The Justice Department\'s own research into the assault weapons ban says it has done little to reduce gun violence.
So what you want to make clear is, what?
A law-abiding American citizen like me, I own an AR, and frankly, Geraldo, I like you, I respect your opinion, but I don\'t care what you think about what weapons I should have.
Why stop me because you want-
Hold on, because you want to re-enforce the ban that the Justice Department itself says is almost ineffective.
Have you heard of it?
BONGINO: Wait a minute.
Daniel, take it. Do you have any news from the children of this school?
Have you heard the children go to the news team and tell them how disappointed they are with adults?
What must I do?
Come down from the pan.
Thoughts and prayers.
If I hear another politician tell me that the death of 17 children is in their thoughts and prayers, I will no longer care about their thoughts and prayers.
I appreciate it. I understand. I have children. You know what?
You used to be a war correspondent.
I\'m a policeman.
Actually, I was shot.
Do you know?
I have a gun to protect myself.
You know and imply that we will make some of these children safer by arming them in school and making them sheep, and by preventing law-abiding people from getting guns, this is not--
Totally disingenuous
This is the commanding heights of morality.
I have been on Fox News for 17 years.
I understand that my feelings in this regard are out of sync with most of my audience.
I apologize for that, but you have to know how deep I am about it. When an 18-year-
Whether he\'s an orphan or leaving a foster home or shooting in the backyard, he\'s fired from school and he tells other friends that you have to come and see my gun when that kid can go here and legally buy AR-
15 there are 30 round clips, standard clips, bought six, and extra ammo, this is the same child, this is the child of the same punk psychology loser, who can\'t buy Budweiser beer, because he\'s underage, if everyone sees how illogical this is, then I feel sorry for people.
Your acceptance of the Second Amendment is so fanatical and blind.
Hanniti: Remember, 32--the worse U. S.
The school opened fire. 32 was a pistol.
But let me go back.
I think I proved that.
We will not persuade either side in this debate.
You won\'t convince Dan.
You can\'t convince me.
We won\'t convince you.
I think I will throw the answer to Dan first, which is to protect the school.
All safety marks for each school.
Safe surroundings.
This is the only point of entry and the retired armed police. Dan?
That\'s the only way, Sean. I was a cop.
When I used to sit in this cell, sometimes I would talk to the criminals we arrested for gun crimes.
America, are you listening to me?
Criminals don\'t care.
They don\'t care about your gun laws.
In fact, they like your gun laws.
Do you know why?
They ate a group of innocent sheep outside.
I have no objection at all to Geraldo\'s authenticity or his genuine enthusiasm for him, and I just suggest that the solution he has proposed is irrational ---
Geraar, we all agree that the child should have never had a gun.
I\'m just saying that your solution doesn\'t work and it\'s totally unreasonable.
Rivera: I\'m not going back to get the gun.
I have five children.
I have a 12-year-
The old man in middle school.
I want her to protect my money as much as I protect my money in the bank.
I hope she can protect us like we did when we went to the airport.
What I want most-
We always say what is your most precious property?
My most precious property is my child.
We always say, let\'s put the money in our mouth.
I hope that when the president comes down, I know that he will come to parkland and that he will also express his concerns in a very profound and self-contained way --
Feel in a sincere way. I agree.
But I think we need to see.
Geraldo, at the end of the day, we all agree with that.
You can\'t tell me that we can\'t do this for our children if we can make sure the airport is safe, make sure our planes are safe, make sure the Oscar red carpet and other people who want to be safe. That is a must.
Nice to meet you both. Appreciate it.
If you are a parent, you must want to see the next paragraph.
If you see it happening, we\'ll tell you the warning signal you\'re looking for, and if you see it happening, see it and say what\'s actually happening this time.
Next, what should you look? (
Business break)
Hanniti: Okay.
Like many other horrific mass shootings, Nicola Cruz showed very disturbing warning signals to classmates and teachers, including some very bad behavior, that he was expelled from school.
We\'re joined by a psychiatrist.
Daniel Bo is with us.
Radio talk show host Dr. Gina Loudon. Dr.
Louden, we started last night and all the signs were there. People.
Radio talk show host Gina Louden: they are.
You know, what people see, what they say.
What did they say?
The FBI was arrested.
Evidence is everywhere on social media.
The children vaguely knew what was wrong with the young man.
LOUDEN: Sean, I\'m enough here, and I \'ve talked to a lot of the students I \'ve talked to with my own kids, and they\'re not far from here.
As Geraldo said in the last paragraph, they said yes, they want to do something, but I think we have to really think about what we can do.
Maybe take politics off the table and really hone the practical significance of preventing the next shooting.
I would like to tell you that it has nothing to do with what we are talking about.
This has to do with Marshall--
Sorry, like the army you said.
Come on, at school.
Sean, retired soldier.
Maybe we can.
Hanniti: I\'m not talking about military uniforms.
Luden: Take Politics away.
Take politics out and do what we agree, right?
Let\'s find solutions for these students and then let\'s deal with guns and mental health and all the other things on the table.
Doctor, let me go to you.
I heard a lot of sad counseling from everyone there.
But when you have a child who has ammo in his backpack so you have to throw him out of school it seems to be in everyone\'s best interest and I know that some universities offer this kind of service, maybe they have more resources to do this, but it seems that once you see these signs, schools should be able to intervene in a way that provides mental health.
Psychologist Daniel Bo: Do you know, Sean?
You know, a lot of people talk about mental illness, they talk about guns, you know, it\'s a perfect storm.
Only 4% of gun killings were carried out by people with mental illness.
Mental illness is not a risk factor for violence.
People with mental illness are more dangerous than victims than perpetrators.
As far as guns are concerned, we know that most people who hold guns are not violent people.
But this can happen if someone is bent on destroying and hurting a lot of people.
So there is very little we can do to prevent these types of instances.
Hanniti: In this sense, I don\'t agree, I will give this to the doctor.
We see every sign and symptom, the footprint of social media.
The children know him.
Expelled from school.
So we may go.
Bo: it seems biased afterwards.
Luton: Maybe we put what we know about this particular example, we look for perfect storms and those signals, and we put that kid in some sort of tutoring.
But I think we have to think about it, Sean, 70% of Americans in DSM5 today can diagnose some sort of mental problem.
Are we going to revoke the Second Amendment rights of all 70% Americans?
This will be a problem.
Even higher military spending.
Hanniti: we need to pay attention to the symptoms. Thank you both.
We appreciate your insight and your support.
After that, we have more harmony. (
Business break)
Hanniti: The Race to politicize such a tragedy is not new.
We have heard all the arguments and this time it is time for us to protect all these students if we really want to, and have people who are ready, willing and able to do so. All right.
We will have more reports tomorrow night.
Thank you so much for being with us.
Unfortunately, this is all the time we spend with us.
The show will always be fair and balanced.
We\'re not destroying-Trump media.
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