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The Status of Food Machinery Standardization and the Development Thought of the 13th Five-Year Plan



This paper starts from the status of food machinery standardization development, summarizes the main achievements of food machinery standardization during the 12th Five-Year Plan period, analyzes the main problems, and studies the development ideas during the 13th Five-Year Plan period, including guiding ideology and basic principles. The development goals have been put forward, and safeguard measures have been put forward for the technical staff and management personnel of the industry to learn from .


The standardization of food machinery is an important guarantee for the technical guarantee of the quality of food machinery products, the necessary conditions for modern large-scale production, and specialized production. The key to today's decision to compete in the food machinery market depends to a large extent on the ability to turn technology into standards for economic benefits, depending on the ability to achieve technical barriers to trade through the development of technical standards. Under the new historical conditions, the standardization of food machinery shoulders the arduous task of regulating the design, manufacture, use and management of food machinery, providing technical support for the food industry and food machinery manufacturing. The standardization of food machinery has become an essential element of the core competitiveness of China's food machinery industry. 

1 Status

 1 .1 continuously strengthen the standard revision work       

During the “Twelfth Five-Year Plan” period, the food machinery industry completed a total of 58 standard revisions, including 28 meat processing machinery standards, 5 baking machinery standards, 15 slaughter processing machinery standards, and surface product processing machinery standards 8 Item, 2 other food machinery standards. These standards are all industrial structure adjustment and optimization upgrade projects, filling the gaps in important product standards in the food machinery field, and the overall technical level is at the domestic advanced level. Standard projects are closely related to industrial development and the society is widely concerned. They are all urgently needed standards for industrial development. They play a key supporting role in maintaining market order, standardizing corporate behavior, ensuring product quality and promoting industrial technology upgrading. In terms of standard project, strengthen investigation and research, scientific argumentation, and adhere to the principle of lack of abuse; in the implementation of standard plans, pay attention to the timeliness and seriousness of the plan, guarantee quality, quantity, and complete the standard revision and revision tasks on time; Pay attention to market research and collect information; in the standard review, strictly follow the principles of fairness of interests, procedural law, complete instruments, and sufficient materials, strictly review the standards, and actively adopt reasonable opinions and suggestions. 

1.2 Continuously improve and improve the standard system      

During the “Twelfth Five-Year Plan” period, on the basis of extensive market research, in accordance with the principles of “scientific, complete, systematic, dynamic and sustainable”, we will focus on the long-term and start from the near future, combining technology and industrial development. The status quo and trend analysis, the establishment of a set of market-oriented, focused, well-structured, well-structured food machinery technical standards system, the development of a number of markets urgently needed , the lack of key areas and the promotion of industrial restructuring, optimization and upgrading The food machinery product standard fills the blank of product standards in important areas of food machinery, and provides guidance for the establishment of food machinery industry standards for complete sets and systems. Due to the variety of food machinery, small batches, and large market changes, the rise and fall of enterprises has been one after another, the demand for products has changed rapidly, new technologies, new industries, new formats, and new models have emerged. Therefore, the food machinery standard system is continuously supplemented annually. perfect. 

1 . 3 Strict control of food safety    

Food machinery is different from general mechanical products. The processed products involve food safety, are closely related to the lives and health of the people, and have high requirements for safety, hygiene, performance and reliability. During the "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" period, we strictly grasped the strict check of the key content of the standard. First, strictly control the safety. Require food machinery to not harm the human body during use and operation, including mechanical damage, electrical damage, thermal damage, vibration damage and noise damage. The second is to strictly control the health. It is required that the selection of food machinery materials shall not transfer harmful substances to food, and the design and manufacturing structure shall not produce microorganisms exceeding the standard. The third is to strictly control the performance. The food mechanical performance design is required to be reliable, the machine runs smoothly, and the performance index is guaranteed. The fourth is to turn off reliability. Food machinery is required to have certain reliability, and it is not allowed to generate faults and shutdowns during the production cycle. In the process of standard control, focus on the quality of food machinery design, manufacturing process, and operation. At the same time, actively carry out technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, and the preparation of signs, packaging, transportation, C collection, etc., and conscientiously grasp the coordination of technological innovation, intellectual property disposal, test verification, industrialization and application promotion in the standard setting process. Coordination. 

1.4 Actively promote the implementation of standards      

During the “Twelfth Five-Year Plan” period, we actively promoted the promotion, promotion and implementation of food machinery standards. The first is to organize the preparation of standard publicity materials. Based on the existing published standards, according to the technical requirements of design, manufacturing, and use, organize the preparation of food machinery standard publicity materials. The second is to increase the standard of publicity. Adopting various forms such as conferences and networks, popularizing food machinery standard knowledge, improving the awareness of food machinery industry on standardization work and the influence of standardization work, advocating the maintenance of food machinery market order and standardizing corporate behavior and guarantee based on standards product quality. The third is to highlight the key points for effective implementation. In conjunction with the important contents, important indicators, and existing problems of food machinery, we will publicize and answer the difficult questions in the implementation of standards. Unblock the standards to implement information feedback channels to help enterprises solve practical problems in the implementation of standards, provide effective and effective technical services to promote standards implementation, and improve standards implementation capabilities.  

2 There are major problems 

2.1 The standardization work is still not deep enough. Although most food machinery manufacturers are more active and important in standardization work, the standardization work is not deep enough. Some companies are keen to develop new products and do not know how to increase the technical content by setting standards. Some companies only maintain production and meet relevant tests by setting standards. They do not know how to standardize corporate behavior, maintain market order and guarantee product quality by setting standards. Some standard technical requirements, test methods are not matched, and inspection rules are not perfect. Therefore, the standardization work is not deep enough.

2 . 2 low standardization       

The low degree of standardization is mainly manifested by the small number of standards and the small standard coverage. According to the survey, in the food machinery industry, about 200% of the products, the coverage of national standards and industry standards is about 20%, about 60% of the products are organized by the enterprise standard organization, about 20% The product is produced without standard. This situation is not conducive to the upgrading and quality improvement of the food machinery industry, which is not conducive to food machinery brand building and technological innovation. Qingdao YILONG and Guangdong Kenwei represent the units that have further upgraded the drafting standards or promotion standards for bag-type packaging machines and combination scales, and have undoubtedly played a leading role in the food machinery industry. 

2 . 3 low standard technical level        

First, some companies have low standards and technical standards. Mainly for the aging of technical content, the test method is backward, the inspection rules are not specific, the implementation level is poor, and it does not meet the market demand. Second, some national standards and industry standards are low in technology. Mainly due to imperfect technical requirements, technical indicators are not perfect, and some lack technical requirements such as manufacturing process, mechanical safety, mechanical sanitation, strength and stiffness, design structure, quality assurance, and some lack of performance indicators such as production capacity and reliability. 

2 . 4 Standard type does not match   

 Among the existing food machinery standards, mainly product standards, lack of basic standards, method standards, management standards and safety standards, which seriously restricts the applicability of product standards. In the basic standards, there are mainly lack of terminology standards and classification standards; in the method standards, there are mainly lack of test method standards and test method standards; in the management standards, there are mainly lack of production operation management standards, product quality management standards and product after-sales service management standards. At present, the irrational structure of China's food machinery standard structure is mainly due to the lack of standard types. 

3 Development ideas 

3.1 Guideline       

 Adhere to the scientific concept of development as a guide, based on industrial development, closely follow market demand, highlight work priorities, and actively promote food machinery standardization. Taking enterprises as the mainstay and market-oriented, extensively absorbing the participation of social forces, focusing on improving the applicability, advancement and effectiveness of food machinery standards, focusing on optimizing the standard system, strengthening the standard revision and revision work, strengthening the standardization and implementation, and standardizing Service capacity, give full play to the role of standardization in promoting the transformation and upgrading of food machinery.   

 3.2 Basic principles

 3 . 2 . 1 Market-oriented principles      

In the standardization of food machinery, we should always adhere to the basic concept of standard work “from the market to the market”, closely standardize the connection with the market, give the standard work to the market, and enhance the standard work to the market. Adaptability. Adaptability includes: First, adapt to the requirements of the design, manufacture, use and management of food machinery. The second is to adapt to the needs of food machinery industry structure adjustment, optimization and upgrading and sustainable development. Under the conditions of market economy, the formulation, formulation and implementation of standards are all market behaviors. Therefore, the food machinery standard work must adhere to the principle of market orientation, establish a coordinated and unified food machinery market order, and promote the healthy development of the food machinery market economy. 

3 . 2 . 2 Corporate principal principles  

Take the enterprise as the main body and give full play to the main role of the enterprise in the standard revision and implementation. It mainly consists of three levels: First, the enterprise is in the first line of the food machinery manufacturing industry, and it is most aware of the technical situation in the design, manufacture and use of food machinery. The opinions and suggestions put forward by them in the standard revision process should be taken seriously. Second, enterprises as users and beneficiaries of standards should be important participants and leaders of standards; food machinery standards are only meaningful if they are recognized by enterprises, and enterprises have the right to express opinions and play a leading role in standard revision work. . Third, the final “users” of food machinery standards are generally enterprises. The standards are generally proposed by enterprises. Enterprises should play a major role in standardization work, which is the cornerstone of food machinery standardization work. 

3 . 2 . 3 The principle of broad participation of society      

The standard is not a problem of a certain enterprise or a certain unit, but a social problem at the national level and the industry level. The standardization work is inseparable from the overall participation of the whole society and the overall awareness of standardization, and it is necessary to further establish a standardized working mechanism for the participation of the society. In the process of formulating and using food machinery standards, we must actively absorb the broad participation of all relevant levels of society and various stakeholders, and achieve the coordination of interests of all parties. The formulation and function of standards involves all levels of society and various stakeholders, making full use of the technological advantages of relevant units in the industry, and complementing each other's advantages, so that the opinions of all parties are fully reflected in the standards, taking into account the interests of all parties. At the same time, encourage diversified market players to participate in the standard revision and revision work. 

3. 3 Development goals 

3 . 3 . 1 Standard system construction goals      

On the basis of the construction of the “Twelfth Five-Year” food machinery standard system, strengthen investigation and research, analyze the new situation, new changes, new demands and new trends of the “13th Five-Year Plan” standardization work, further adjust and improve the standard system, and form clear ideas. The “13th Five-Year” food machinery standard system with reasonable structure and feasible operation. The standard system is required to cover the whole field, which is outstanding and perfect; the establishment of standard projects highlights the urgency and necessity, and the position of standard projects in the standard system must be clear. Develop a number of food machinery technical standards that are urgently needed in the market, lack of standards in key areas, and promote industrial transformation and upgrading. 

3 . 3 . 2 Operational mechanism to build the target       

During the “Thirteenth Five-Year Plan” period, it is necessary to closely follow the quality improvement of the standardization team, the optimization of the standard knowledge structure, and the smooth implementation of the standardization work procedures to build a operational mechanism, aim at major key industries, focus on key breakthroughs, and form a long-term and stable standardized operation mechanism. . The first is to form an operational mechanism that takes enterprises as the main body and combines production, study and research. Give play to the role of the standardization of enterprises, and attach importance to the supporting role of colleges and universities, research institutes and related associations and societies. The second is to form an operational mechanism for sharing benefits and sharing risks. Through the sharing of interests, we will achieve continuous and stable cooperation in standardization work; through the sharing of risks, we will form a joint work of standardization. Establish an operational mechanism of joint input, joint development, benefit sharing, and risk sharing. 

3 . 3 . 3 Standard revision work objectives        

During the “Thirteenth Five-Year Plan” period, based on the principle of “close to the market, urgent needs of the industry, and highlighting key points”, on the basis of extensive investigation and research, it is planned to complete 62 food machinery standards, which is an increase compared with the “Twelfth Five-Year Plan”. 6.9 %. The standard-setting work is combined with the industrial technology level and combined with industrial transformation and upgrading. Strengthen the scientific argumentation of standard projects, strengthen the openness and transparency of the standard-setting process, the fairness of interests, and the legality of procedures, and actively adopt reasonable opinions and suggestions from all walks of life. 

3 . 3 . 4 Standardized Service Capability Goals     

During the “Thirteenth Five-Year Plan” period, in the process of food machinery standardization service, we will enhance service awareness, improve service level, improve service capability, and serve the market, serve the industry, and serve the enterprise throughout the food machinery standardization work. The first is to strengthen standards and expand the service sector. Adopt various forms to strengthen standard publicity, popularize standard knowledge, and disseminate standard knowledge to design fields, manufacturing companies and users. Second, it is close to the needs of enterprises and optimize service quality. Continuously innovate service methods and means, strengthen a series of effective service forms such as tracking services and face-to-face services, what forms of services are needed by enterprises, and what forms of services are provided to provide high-quality and efficient service quality for enterprises. The third is to promote training and improve service levels. Strengthen the training of standard drafters, improve the standard revision level; improve the quality of standard personnel, improve standard service capabilities and service levels. 

4. Safeguards

4.1 Strengthen organizational leadership     

We will conscientiously implement the important documents concerning the standardization work of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the China Machinery Industry Federation, innovate working methods, highlight work priorities, improve working mechanisms, and improve work levels. We will increase the standardization work in key categories and key products, and carry out food machinery standardization work in a planned and step-by-step manner. Vigorously promote and promote the significance and role of standardization work, help enterprises to enhance their understanding of standardization, and guide the enthusiasm of enterprises and all sectors of society to participate in the standardization of food machinery. 

4 . 2 Continuous improvement of the standard system    

According to the changes in market demand, we will establish a food machinery standard system that is market-oriented, closely related to demand, reasonable in structure, and focused, and strengthen the revision and improvement of the food machinery standard system. Organize relevant enterprises, research institutes, colleges and universities to carry out in-depth discussions, rationalize work ideas, scientifically classify categories, highlight key areas, define product segmentation, and continuously improve the food machinery standard system. In the promotion of the construction of food machinery standard system, the food machinery standard structure will be further adjusted and optimized, and the technological advancement, economic rationality, safety reliability and market adaptability of food machinery standards will be comprehensively improved. While carrying out the construction of the standard system, it is necessary to establish a standardized working mechanism around demand, rapid response, and efficient and orderly. 

4. 3 Increase the standard revision and revision efforts       

According to the needs of the market, a number of food machinery standard setting projects were proposed to strengthen the standard formulation work management. In terms of standard projects, it is necessary to strengthen investigation and research and scientific argumentation. In terms of standard review, the standards should be strictly examined in strict accordance with the principles of social openness, fairness of interests, legal procedures, and adequate materials. In the implementation of the standard plan, we must pay attention to the timeliness and seriousness of the plan, guarantee the quality, ensure the quantity, and complete the standard setting task on time. At the same time, the implementation of the standard plan will be checked regularly or irregularly, and the whole process will be tracked from standard project to standard approval. 

4 . 4 Attach importance to the transformation of scientific and technological achievements into standards        

During the “Twelfth Five-Year Plan” period, food machinery manufacturing enterprises, scientific research units, and colleges and universities have undertaken many food machinery research projects. In order to improve the product level and technical content of scientific research projects, it is recommended to carry out research on the transformation of food machinery science and technology achievements into standards. In the process of transforming scientific and technological achievements into standards, the first is to promote the scientific and technological achievements with industrialization prospects into standards in a timely manner; the second is to ensure the effectiveness of transformation and play a bridge between scientific and technological achievements and real productivity. To this end, we must focus on the development of China's food machinery industry and international competition, analyze the possibility and effectiveness of the transformation of scientific research results into standards, establish the focus of transformation, deal with the relationship between intellectual property rights and standards, and improve the autonomy of China's food machinery standards. Technical weight.

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