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how to use a metal detector

by:Kenwei      2019-08-22
101-metal detection
What do you need, what do you need to know!
Metal detection is a fun and valuable hobby that everyone can enjoy.
Contrary to what you might think, learning how to use a metal detector can be very easy and very valuable (
Whether it\'s money or emotion).
There is nothing better than finding an old coin, jewelry or a long lost relic buried underground for years.
For most metal detectors, it\'s exciting to be on the hunt and don\'t know what you\'ll find on a certain day.
This year, I first entered the field of metal testing and bought all the equipment I needed to fully enjoy this hobby.
One of the most important things when learning how to use metal detectors is to understand how your particular machine works.
In this shot I will take you through some useful tips that will shorten your learning curve when you go deep into metal detection.
In the process, I will also share some of my \"lessons learned\" and introduce you to some accessories and gears that will make your metal detection experience more enjoyable.
So, \"Keep your coils in the soil\", keep reading as I share some tips on the wonderful world of metal detection! (
Image credit for InterRevPersonal Photo)
Recommended metal detector
Quality and good performance will eliminate frustration. Choosing a metal detector is usually the biggest mistake a person can make when developing this love.
There\'s a lot of low
Terminal metal detectors can detect items on the ground, but they usually frustrate you when you keep digging for junk metal items.
I know this from experience.
I started with a lower quality detector, but only a few months later I found myself upgrading to a better model.
You don\'t have to break the bank in order to get into a decent quality detector.
There are many good quality machines that can be found at a reasonable price.
I did a lot of research before I decided to buy Garret at Pro metal detector.
This model provides high-end features and performance in the medium termrange price.
In terms of the list I recommend below, this model will be at the high end of the price level.
The rest of the models are recommended by me based on the research and advice of the avid inspector I came into contact with, or because my friends have these models, so from personal experience.
Learn how to do metal detectors and some tips for you to do (
Image credit for ChrisCofer
Authorization through creative sharing with attributes)
The most important thing you can do when you learn how to detect metals is to understand your metal detectors.
Your machine will send out various signals based on what it detects in the soil, and your job is to understand what these signals are trying to tell you.
Some basic metal detectors make different tones based on the detected sound.
Others will send out different tones, but will also give a visual indication of what it thinks may exist under the surface on the LCD screen.
A more advanced metal detector will give a two-digit VDI number, which can help you determine more accurately what the target is.
When using a metal detector, you should swing the coil in the side-to-side motion while slightly overlapping the previous channel with the next channel of the coil.
This ensures that you cover the entire area and that no targets are missed.
The coil should be parallel to the ground and float directly above the surface.
You should not swing the coil quickly.
It should be enough to move it at a speed of 1 yard or meter per second.
The iron target usually causes a low sound or \"garbage\" from your detector \".
When iron is detected, it is usually associated with a low VDI signal in the 1-1 range35.
Many metal detectors will include a feature called \"iron resolution\" that allows you to cancel these low VDI signals so that you are not reminded of their presence.
The last thing I want to do is dig the old rusty nails all day long, so I usually distinguish between VDI signals under 35 and ignore them.
If you are looking for relics that may be made of iron, then you may want to use zero
Identify the pattern in order to alert any metal detected in the soil.
Other metals related to the \"quality target\" will produce higher VDI signals.
Copper and silver alloys related to coins produce treble, these are the goals you want to dig.
The VDI signal that fell in the middle was difficult.
Nickel, aluminum pull rings and gold rings can produce VDI signals similar to each other\'s range.
You can spend a lot of time digging the pull ring in the trash area, but if you don\'t, you may miss a gold ring or an old Buffalo nickel.
When you start using a new metal detector for the first time, you should spend about 10 hours digging through all the targets you detect.
While this looks monotonous, doing so will help you understand what type of object is underneath the surface based on the tone generated by the metal detector.
This can be very educational when you understand your new probe, and over time you will learn what targets to mine and what targets to deliver based on the signals it provides.
You should also know that the signal changes depending on the angle of the detector passing through the object.
When you get a good signal, it is a good idea to continue to pass the coil through the area several times to see if the signal is consistent.
Go around the scene and pass the coil through the object from different angles.
If the signal stays good, Dig!
Here is a good suggestion to save you some time.
When you get a good signal, when you pass the coil back and forth on the object, lift the coil up from the ground.
Raise it to a height of about 8 inch.
If you still get a good signal, then the target is likely to be a large object and you may not want to dig unless you are looking for a relic.
You need to realize that when a metal detector estimates the depth of an object, it is calculated based on coinssized object.
A large aluminum might look like a coin, right under the ground.
If you lift the coil from the ground to 8 inch and still receive a strong signal, then you may have a large jar or other object.
Try this trick when you \"dig everything\" and it will help you understand what you should dig and what you shouldn\'t.
The more I like this hobby, the more people I find like the hobby of metal detection.
Have you ever done metal detection?
Handi\'s code of ethics, law and respect for metal testing takes a few minutes to discuss the code of ethics for metal testing.
You see, not everyone is a fan of metal detection hobbies, many due to the behavior of some unethical detectors.
I just hit a moral high here.
For a full list, see the link below.
It is not good practice to dig a hole so that it is not found.
This can cause someone to get hurt, but it\'s also very rude to leave it in a worse place when you first approach the land.
When you leave, you should always fill all your holes and keep the land in good or better shape.
In the grass or turf, you should cut a plug from the turf and put your dirt on the towel.
When you\'re done, you can pour the dirt from the towel back into the hole, replace the turf plug, and press it tight.
You don\'t even know where I am when I dig.
Unless you get permission, you should also not detect metals on anyone\'s land.
It\'s always a good thing to get written permission.
If you don\'t get permission, it\'s illegal for you to trespass. Know your laws.
Some state and local parks allow metal detection, while others do not.
The park is a great place for metal detection, but you have to respect the law and the land.
These laws can usually be found on city, state, or local park sites and can be easily found through Google search.
You can pick up the phone at any time, call the office and ask about the rules.
You should also comply with any antiquities laws, and if you find any artifacts of historical significance, please contact the archaeological office.
Most of the code of ethics is common sense, but you should be familiar with it.
I suggest you read more about it (here)
Before you go out and start testing.
The metal detector pointer is a must.
With tools, you can save time and eliminate setbacks. A gear that will make your metal detection experience more enjoyable is the pointer.
The metal detector pointer is essentially a small hand.
A metal detector that looks like a wand.
Once you dig a hole, you don\'t usually see the object you\'re looking.
Coins can be covered with dirt or still on the ground.
Locating exactly where the object is located will save a lot of time.
Only when a metal object passes within a 2 inch wand will the tip detect it.
So when you dig a hole, you can run your pointer through the dirt you remove and it will remind you if the object is there.
If not, you can go along the side and bottom of the hole through the tip of the edge of the hole to determine the exact position of the object.
One thing I really like about using the spires is that it might stop me from digging holes.
If I receive a shallow signal on Pro metal detector, I will pass my pointer through the top of the ground at the exact location where I think the target is.
Keep in mind that the tip range is only one or 2 inch.
If my pointer sounds closed when I pass through this area, then I can be sure if the object is on the surface or on the surface.
The technology helped me to retrieve a ring over the past weekend, and the hat didn\'t even dig at all.
This ring is of no value, but a ring of no value. the-
Less and less fun to find. (
Image credit for InterRevPersonal Photo)
Metal detection mining tools you must have something to dig!
The last piece of gear you really have to have is some sort of shovel or digging tool.
Having the right mining tools can make a difference between easy digging and the main chores.
Now, if you detect metal in farmland or in the woods, you can easily use standard shovels or garden shovels.
Keep in mind that one of our main goals as metal detectors is to fill your holes and ideally, do not leave traces you have dug in the field.
Therefore, it is ideal to use sharp digging tools and thin blades whenever possible.
It is common practice to use some form of hand shovel.
There are many such stores in any local hardware store.
All you need to do is make sure you get something that is resistant to bending or breaking with a solid blade.
I personally have two tools dedicated to metal testing.
They\'re the Garrett edge excavators and the leschsampson Pro-
Series T shovelHandle.
They all took pictures here.
Garlitte edge excavator and my garlitte appeared in the Pro metal detector bag together, but can also be purchased separately. It has a 7.
The jagged blade is easy to cut the turf.
It also comes with a sheath, so you can put it in a convenient place on your belt.
This excavator is perfect for cleaning and cutting in turf, as well as recycling in shallow to medium depth.
So far, my favorite is The leche mining tool.
I bought this shovel recently and can tell you that it makes digging faster and easier.
Its total length is 31 inch and its weight is slightly higher than 2 pounds.
So easy to carry and use. It has a 7.
5 inch long blade, 4 inch wide with pre-Sharp edges.
This tool is definitely tailored for metal detection.
When you have the lever of your foot to help push the blade into the ground, I am surprised that it is so easy for the blade to cross the turf or dirt.
It does a very clean cut that allows you to remove the plug from the soil that can be replaced neatly.
For anyone who really likes metal detection, I would highly recommend that they use the Leche mining tool. (
Image credit for InterRevPersonal Photo)
Are you in favor or against metal testing?
There are now ethical and legal conflicts on this topic. At present, a hot legal and ethical debate is taking place in many states, involving a ban on metal detection on public land.
Many archaeologists believe that all cultural relics should remain in their current position and can only be discovered by trained professionals.
Other people like the hobby of metal detection, mainly looking for lost coins and jewelry.
Assuming that the metal detection code of ethics is followed by the inspectors, are you in favor or against allowing metal detection on public land? (
Please note that this code of ethics provides that all loopholes should be filled, licensed, subject to the law, and any historical artifacts should be reported to the appropriate parties. )
Are you in favor or against allowing metal detection on public land?
Video explanation of metal detection-
See it in action. . .
This is a very good video from a kid who created this video as a school project.
I love this kid because he does talk about ethical behavior at the time of metal detection and doesn\'t leave any holes.
He did a good job of showing the movements of some metal detectors and explained some of the features of his metal detectors. Nice work!
Do you have any questions or comments about the interesting hobby of metal detection?
Please stay below.
I would love to hear from you.
Do you have any tips or tricks you can share?
Have you ever done metal detection?
If so, tell us one of your best discoveries, or a quick story about your metal exploration hunting.
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