
Kenwei is a global professional manufacturer which specialized in weigher packing machines and multi-head weigher machines.

Common problems and solutions of dynamic checkweigher

by:Kenwei      2021-09-18
Dynamic checkweighers help automated production lines, reduce labor costs for enterprises, and solve various quality problems in product packaging, such as overweight, underweight, lack of manuals, few, etc., to escort the quality of the production line! The dynamic checkweigher machine brings a lot of convenience to manufacturing enterprises, improves production efficiency, and reduces the output of defective products. The dynamic checkweigher has been put into the production line by enterprises in various fields. What faults will it encounter during its use? The following editor of Guangdong kenweigh will introduce four common faults and troubleshooting methods for you. If you encounter these faults, you can quickly solve them. The dynamic checkweigher machine system interface display is always zero. The possible reasons are: 1. The object is light and the weight falls within the zero range, which should be solved by resetting the zero range. 2. The weighing equipment chases as zero and can be adjusted at this time. The automatic zero-tracking item in the system options can solve the problem. 3. The sensor data line is loose and the data is displayed abnormally due to poor contact: 1. The error is too large, and the weighing machine system needs to be recalibrated. 2. The product model selection is wrong, and you should click again Switch the product and select the corresponding accessory product number to solve it. 3. The ambient temperature exceeds the normal working range of the load cell. 4. The sensor components of the load cell are aging or deformed. There is no display on the touch screen of the operation interface. The possible reasons are: 1. Poor power connection 2. The fuse in the chassis is blown. 3. The data cable is loose or falling off. The data is bounced and the possible reasons for the abnormal fluctuation are: 1. The screw on the base of the automatic weighing machine is loose. 2. The load cell is obviously disturbed, such as air conditioning, air flow, etc. 3. Ground shaking, vibration, such as interference from the rotation of nearby machines, cars passing by, etc. 4. The conveyor belt is affected by sticky objects. 5. The load cell base has debris or jams. 6. The filter coefficient is set too small. Guangdong kenweigh self-developed automatic checkweigher machine , Sorting scales, checkweighing scales, automatic sorting scales, and weight sorting scales have solved the thorny problems of product production and packaging for a large number of Chinese enterprises, improved product quality assurance, and enhanced the company's brand image.
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